ARMO Training Center Becomes Testing Center Accredited by NOSTROY
ARMO Training center, part of ARMO group of engineering companies, has received accreditation as a NOSTROY Testing Center for certification of construction industry management and specialists. Joining the Uniform System of Certification ARMO Training Center organizes pretest training and computer-based testing on NOSTROY conditions, and issues certificates for SRO.
According to Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation (№ 240-ФЗ of July 27, июля 2010) construction specialists responsible for construction work safety are required to take advanced training course and certification tests at least every 5 years and get a state-recognized certificate. The certificates are issued by SRO based on examination/testing results and a corresponding document from a Continuing Professional Education Institution.
NISTROY National Builders Association has developed a Uniform System of Certification (ЕСА), which includes all kinds of work related to safety of capital construction projects. It is a set of computer-based tests (40-50 questions) covering main types of construction work. Those typed of work are defined in the Russian Ministry of Regional Development Order #624 of 30.12.2009.
Now ARMO Training Center which has received official accreditation as NOSTROY Testing Center is joining the Uniform System of Certification.
ARMOTrainingCenterofferstrainingtestpreparationcoursesandorganizesonitspremisescomputer-basedtestingusingNOSTROYtestquestions. Testing results are submitted to SRO certification commission which then issues a state-recognized Certificate.
For more information about NOSTROY system of testing and certification for construction specialists, please contact ARMO Training Center by e-mail at , or by phone at (495) 788-40-71.
National Builders Association (NOSTROY) is a non-commercial organization established on terms of obligatory membership of self-regulating membership-based organizations (SRO) of construction specialists. Its aim is development of professional standards and rules in construction industry.
ARMO Training Center was established in 2004 on technological base of ARMO group of companies, and today offers training, advanced training and refresher courses for specialists in construction, building system integration, building automation and security systems, as well as building system setup & maintenance specialists. Training courses are given by certified teachers with long practical work experience. Manyofthemhaveacademicdegreesandtitles.