New Acceptance Testing Service from ARMO Training Center
ARMO Training Center is launching a new service – acceptance testing. The tests are held at the stage of building commissioning or reconstruction. TheTrainingCentercanrepresenteitherContractororOwner.
Taking part in acceptance tests on behalf of Contractor, ARMO Training Center specialists develop operating documentation (system passports, operating instructions, user manuals), as well as test programs and test logs. ARMO Training Center guarantees that operating and acceptance documentation produced with its assistance will fully conform to technical specifications and effective norms and standards.
On behalf of Owner, ARMO Training Center checks operating documentation and test programs. The Training Center guarantees that operators taking over the building will not have any problems in the future.
ARMO Training Center specialists have already taken part in building system acceptance tests at Russian Railways office building, TNK-BP office building, ‘Federation’ Tower, Vympelkom data center. Having substantial experience as mediators between Owners and Contractors, ARMO Training Center specialists easily put documentation in order and make partners’ dialog more constructive.