ARMEX Electrical Measurement Laboratory Ensures Safe Operation of Clients’ Electrical Equipment
ARMEX has announced services for electrical measurement and testing of electrical systems up to 1000 V. For this purpose, the company has set up a mobile electrical measurement laboratory, which provides checkup of equipment safety and allows to determine whether electrical network parameters conform to the project specifications, as well as norms and regulations. The new laboratory is registered with ROSTECHNADZOR and equipped with modern instrumentation. For mobility, our laboratory team has at its disposal a spacious car, allowing our specialists to promptly visit your facility to provide electrical measurement services.
Modern electrical measurement laboratory equipped with a portable gauge kit allows to perform any required tests of electrical systems and equipment, assess their operational capability, as well as prevent potential failure. As a rule, all electrical measurement services of the laboratory are needed at commissioning phase of the project. The laboratory performs acceptance tests and measurements of electrical equipment after installation and determines whether it is ready for operation.
According to requirements of supervisory authorities (Rostechnadzor, fire inspection, sanitary inspection, etc.), electrical equipment measurement and testing and insulation resistance measurement of electric systems, earthing devices, etc. should be carried out on a regular basis. Frequency of tests depends on characteristics of electrical systems, operating conditions, as well as norms and regulations. In addition, the laboratory performs routine electrical measurements for failure diagnostics or detection of electrical equipment or systems, that are out of operation or do not meet the norms and operating requirements. A wide range of services, provided by the laboratory, allows to prevent accidents (electrical injury), fire, early failure of electric equipment, etc.
Based on electrical measuring and testing results, ARMEX laboratory specialists make a Technical Report, reflecting technical condition of electrical equipment and systems at the time of testing. The Technical Report is one of the documents, required for commissioning of electrical systems and equipment or for their further operation.
To perform all required tests, ARMEX electrical measurement laboratory is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, including SONEL MIC-2500 insulation resistance, moisture and aging measurer, grounding resistance measurer, SONEL MRU-101 grounding, lightning protection, earth connection and potential balancing measurer, SONEL MIE-500 electrical system safety measurer, as well as relay protection and ac switch release tester.
ARMEX mobile electrical measurement laboratory is staffed with is staffed with certified specialists, highly qualified and experienced in measuring and testing at different kinds of facilities – cottages, office and administrative buildings, business centers, trade and entertainment complexes, industrial enterprises, etc. All staff members of the laboratory are licensed to perform electrical testing and measurements.
For further information about electrical measurement laboratory services, as well as about the company in general and its building management and operation services please call ARMEX at (495) 787-3336, 787-3337 or email to
A member of ARMO group of engineering companies, ARMEX management company specializes in commercial facility management and offers a wide range of building operation & maintenance services. At present the company employs over 200 people and manages diversified range of facilities, including office and administration buildings, trade and entertainment centers, and other commercial property, having total floor area of over 150 thousand square meters.